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Vitamins for Premature Ejaculation - What You Need To Know

In this article, we will discuss what vitamin deficiency-caused premature ejaculation and all you need to know about managing premature ejaculation, and other available solutions and remedies.

By Peakerect Staff Updated on
Vitamins for Premature Ejaculation
Vitamins for Premature Ejaculation


Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem that affects and stresses approximately 30% of men around the world.

Many men with premature ejaculation are likely to feel embarrassed not only because they underperform, but also think the condition means they are sort of a weaker version of men.

Well, some people believe that the premature release of semen is an untreatable condition.

However, that is not the case.

Many solutions that seek to control premature ejaculation have been cropping up and besides other treatments, vitamin supplementation, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications are areas that patients may want to explore.

To explore more on our topic, research studies support that vitamin deficiency may cause premature ejaculation.

That is, in this case, it simply means that the supplement will only work if indeed the PE is caused by that vitamin deficiency.

In other words, if the specific case was not a result of vitamin deficiency, then the supplement may have little effect on the situation.

Are There Really Vitamins to Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Vitamin deficiencies can negatively impact sexual function.

For instance, are review shared in The World Journal of Men’s Health agrees that vitamin D deficiency is associated with sexual erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

There is also evidence that supplementing this vitamin may help enhance overall sexual health in people who have been noted to be deficient in the vitamin.

Besides, Vitamin B3 has been noted to help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Good circulation of blood and less discomfort from inflammation can notably support sexual function.

Vitamin B9 is said to support the production of neurotransmitters, which are key determinants for mood and stress regulation.

Notably, anxiety and stress are basic factors that can lead to PE, so ensuring adequate levels of B9 or folic acid as it is also known could help to improve relaxation and general mental health​.

Vitamin C notably supports the production of nitric acid and besides that, it has strong antioxidant properties which enhance healthy blood flow.

Reduced levels of vitamin D are associated with poor erectile function and some other issues that contribute to poor sexual health.

Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels can lead to improved overall sexual health.

Talking of the indirect benefits, these vitamins can support overall health.

This consequently might improve sexual function and reduce factors that contribute to early ejaculation, such as anxiety and poor blood flow.

The Best Supplements for Premature Ejaculation

There are many vitamin supplements on the market and getting the correct one for premature ejaculation can be quite difficult.

The supplements for premature ejaculation contain vitamins, including zinc, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folic acid.

Vitamin B12 is a vitamin involved in the synthesis of serotonin and the regulation of the central nervous system.

Inadequate levels of vitamin B12 in the body can be associated with premature ejaculation.

Taking adequate levels of vitamin B12 may help manage premature ejaculation.

Additionally, vitamin B12 may help boost sperm motility, prevent sperm cell damage, increase sperm count, and increase libido.

The Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons by Adil Emrah Sonbahar supports that vitamin B12 supplementation may help in the management of premature ejaculation.

Blood serum levels for vitamin B12 were first checked to ascertain that vitamin b12 was insufficient.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is effective in supporting sexual health.

Vitamin D can help influence hormone levels, and stress levels, boost testosterone levels, improve erectile functions, improve sperm quality, and increase fertility.

According to the Brazilian Journal of Urology by Lütfi Canat, Recep Burak Degirmentepe et al, low serum vitamin D levels in the blood may increase the chances of premature ejaculation.

Increasing the levels of vitamin D in the body may help reduce the risk of premature ejaculation and support the management of PE patients.

Zinc is a mineral that helps support the production of sexual hormones, including prolactin and testosterone.

Dietary zinc may greatly benefit men with sexual functions, including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Zinc helps increase sexual arousal, improve erectile functions, and help manage premature ejaculation.

The Official Journal of the International Society for the study of the aging male by Akhigbe supports that zinc supplementation may help improve sexual functions, improve penile activity, and manage premature ejaculation in men.

Research studies support those supplements containing biotin, folic acid, zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin D may help in the treatment and management of premature ejaculation.

These nutrients offer additional benefits, including boosting testosterone levels, increasing serotonin levels, and improving sexual performance.

Should You Use Supplements for Premature Ejaculation?

While the ongoing research on vitamin supplements for premature ejaculation is interesting, there is limited research to support their effectiveness.

It is important to note that some research studies support that certain vitamin supplements may help treat premature ejaculation. However, these supplements may not deliver similar results for everyone.

Furthermore, vitamin deficiency is a rare occurrence in many people.

So, you need to see a healthcare provider who will help diagnose whether the low levels of vitamins in the body are the ones causing your semen release prematurely.

While there could be a link between vitamin D and B12 supplements and premature ejaculation, there is no guarantee that taking these vitamin supplements will help treat PE.

If the cause of your premature ejaculation is stress, anxiety, or depression, then taking vitamin supplements will not help you achieve any results.

Such causes may be treatable using alternative sources of treatment like behavioral techniques, prescription medications, and over-the-counter medications.

If you think your premature ejaculation might be caused by vitamin deficiency, then it is wise that you consult a healthcare provider to help you make an informed decision.

Simple blood tests can help diagnose your vitamin deficiency.

A blood test will show your serum levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin D. These two nutrients are associated with vitamin deficiency.

Alternatives to Premature Ejaculation Supplements

Certain vitamin deficiencies can contribute to both PE and ED. A lack of vitamin D, for instance, has been linked to sexual dysfunction. For a more in-depth look at how vitamins and minerals can impact ED, you can visit our article: Best Vitamins and Supplements for ED.

Low levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin D may cause low serum levels and premature ejaculation.

If you are sure your premature ejaculation is caused by a vitamin deficiency, then it is okay to take a vitamin supplement to help boost the levels in the body.

However, if your premature ejaculation is caused by other factors, then taking a vitamin supplement will not offer a great solution to your problem.

You will most likely get better results from other forms of treatment, which specifically address premature ejaculation.

Currently, research supports that there are some effective solutions to premature ejaculation other than vitamin supplements.

Alternative treatments include prescription medications, creams, over-the-counter sprays, wipes, and behavioral techniques.

Behavioral techniques

People with mild premature ejaculation might try these behavioral techniques that might help improve their sexual performances and delay ejaculation.

These simple behavioral techniques include the stop-start method, the squeeze technique, and Kegels, which help exercise the pelvic floor muscles.

You can repeat these exercises as many times as you want during sexual intercourse to help prevent early ejaculation and allow you to last longer.

According to the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine by Arkiath Veettil Raveedran, premature ejaculation is a sexual problem that affects most men.

The research supports that some behavioral techniques and psychotherapy may help with this sexual problem.

Pelvic floor exercises may strengthen the pelvic floor to help control ejaculation.

Behavioral techniques

In the start-and-stop technique, the individual stimulates the penis until he feels the urge to ejaculate.

The patient then stops stimulation until the urge passes.

He then stimulates again until the point of no return and stops again.

This helps prolong ejaculation.

The study also supports that other behavioral methods include interval sex, extended foreplay, alternative sex positions, increasing sexual frequency, and cognitive distraction.

Over-the-counter medications

There are many over-the-counter medications, including wipes, creams, and sprays, which act as local topical anesthetics.

These topical treatments work by reducing penis sensitivity, without overly numbing your penis.

This helps an individual to have control of their ejaculation.

For instance, local sprays contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic that works by numbing the penis to reduce sensitivity.

In a randomized controlled trial published in the International Journal of Impotence Research by Mohammed Abu El-Hamd, 150 premature ejaculation patients were treated with lidocaine sprays.

Local lidocaine sprays have been shown to be safe and effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

The patients reported that the frequency of sexual intercourse had greatly improved after treatment.

Prescription Medications

While the FDA has not approved any medications for the treatment of premature ejaculation, there are many drugs available on the market that claim to treat PE.

Most of these prescription drugs are off-label, meaning the Food and Drug Administration has not approved them.

Some of these drugs include erectile dysfunction drugs and antidepressants, which help improve sexual stamina.

SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are among the common prescription medications used in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

The medication works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain to help reduce the effects of depression, inhibit ejaculation, and improve mood.

The European Urology journal by Pierre Clement supports that serotonin has inhibitory properties on ejaculation.

It works on receptor cells in the brain to help delay ejaculation and benefit patients with premature ejaculation.

Other medications like sildenafil act as generic Viagra, which helps treat premature ejaculation by slowing down orgasm.

Some healthcare providers recommend that you combine sildenafil with an SSRI for optimal results.

A publication in the Journal of Sexual Medicine by Chris G McMahon supports that sildenafil is an effective treatment for premature ejaculation.

Sildenafil helps improve ejaculatory control, decrease post-ejaculatory erectile time, and increase ejaculation time.

Vitamins to Last Longer in Bed: Takeaways

Vitamins to Last Longer in Bed

Sexual intercourse requires self-confidence and comfort.

If you have had really bad sexual experiences that have made you feel self-conscious, then you should try treatments for premature ejaculation.

However, vitamins for premature ejaculation might not help if vitamin deficiency is not the cause of your sexual problems.

You should know that if you have low vitamin levels, then vitamin supplements may help with premature ejaculation.

You should keep in mind that;

  • Low vitamin levels could be a potential risk for premature ejaculation

  • There is more research that needs to be done on the link between vitamin deficiency and premature ejaculation.

  • It is advisable that you talk to your healthcare provider if your premature ejaculation is caused by a lack of vitamins.

  • You may need to do blood tests to check your vitamin levels before you start on vitamin supplements. If vitamins are not the cause, you get an alternative source.

Combining vitamins with herbal supplements can improve results in managing premature ejaculation. Panax Ginseng is a highly effective herb that has shown promising results in boosting sexual health. Learn more about its effects in our Panax Ginseng Benefits Sexually article.


Which vitamin is best for premature ejaculation?

There is no such thing as the best vitamin for PE. Research suggests links between PE and deficiencies in vitamins like D and B12. these vitamins may help to regulate testosterone levels which may help in preventing premature ejaculation.

Can vitamin B12 cure premature ejaculation?

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in maintaining nerve health and overall vitality. Although it does not have a direct effect on treating premature ejaculation, Getting enough B12 may help in managing premature ejaculation.

What vitamin deficiencies cause premature ejaculation?

A few researches have indicated that PE may be associated with a lack of vitamins D and B12. These vitamins are involved in hormonal processes and nerve impulses, which could be associated with the ability to control ejaculation.

How can I stop premature ejaculation permanently?

Although PE cannot be cured permanently, a few treatments may help to enhance control and duration. These include having a healthy diet, using behavioral therapies such as the “stop-start” technique, stress reduction, and pelvic floor muscle exercises.

What nutrients are good for premature ejaculation?

Some studies suggest that nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and folic acid might play a role in hormone regulation and nerve function, which could be indirectly beneficial for preventing premature ejaculation.

Does folic acid prevent premature ejaculation?

Folic acid is key for sexual health and might aid in preventing premature ejaculation. While the research is limited, a balanced diet with folic acid can promote good overall health.


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