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3 Benefits of Cloves For Men’s Sexual Health

Can cloves truly enhance your sex life? This article explores the potential benefits of cloves for sexual function in men, providing both facts and research.

By Peakerect Staff Updated on
Benefits of Cloves Sexually
Benefits of Cloves Sexually


If you are looking for natural ways to boost your sexual health? You might be surprised to learn that a common kitchen spice – the humble clove – has some potential benefits in this area.

While cloves are best known for adding warmth and flavor to dishes, some research suggests they may also hold promise for men's sexual health.

This article explores three key benefits of cloves sexually: improved blood flow, enhanced libido, and increased stamina. Cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which may help relax blood vessels and improve circulation.

This could be beneficial for erectile function, as good blood flow is crucial for achieving and maintaining an erection.

Additionally, some studies suggest that cloves may have aphrodisiac properties, potentially increasing sexual desire. While research is limited, some users report experiencing improved energy and stamina with clove consumption.

What are Cloves?

Cloves are small, dried flower buds that come from a tree. This tree grows in warm places like Indonesia. The buds are picked before they open and then dried until they turn brown.

When you look at a clove, you'll see it's shaped like a tiny nail. The word "clove" comes from the Latin word for nail. These little buds have a strong, spicy smell and taste.

People have been using cloves for thousands of years. At first, they were very rare and expensive. Only the rich could afford them. But now, you can find cloves in most grocery stores.

Cloves are used in cooking to add flavor to foods. But they're also used in medicine. In many countries, people believe cloves can help with different health problems. This includes using cloves to improve sex life.

The Benefits of Cloves Sexually

Better Erectile Function

Some studies show that cloves might help men get and keep erections. This is because cloves have a substance called eugenol. This substance might help blood flow better in the body. Good blood flow is key for strong erections.

May Help With Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual health concern, characterized by the inability to control ejaculation for a desired length of time. While there are various treatment options available, some men explore natural remedies like cloves.

Eugenol, the active compound in cloves, has numbing properties that may help desensitize the penis. This could potentially reduce overstimulation and delay ejaculation.

A small study involving 22 men with PE found that applying a 1% clove oil gel to the penis 10 minutes before sexual intercourse increased the time between penetration and ejaculation.

However, it's important to note that this study was relatively small, and more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of clove oil in treating PE.

May Boost Libido

Cloves may have potential benefits for male sexual health. Some studies suggest that cloves could stimulate the production of testosterone, a hormone that plays a crucial role in libido and sexual performance.

A study on rats found that administering a daily dose of 15 milligrams of clove oil extract per kilogram of body weight for 35 days increased testosterone levels significantly. However, higher doses of the extract were found to decrease testosterone levels, highlighting the importance of finding the optimal dosage.

Another animal study demonstrated that a 50% ethanolic clove extract could significantly increase sexual activity in male rats without causing adverse side effects.

While these animal studies are promising, more research is needed to confirm the effects of cloves on human hormone levels and libido.

Sexual Benefits of Combining Cloves with Honey, Ginger, Milk & Garlic

Clove and Honey

Some people mix cloves with honey for better sex. Honey is sweet and gives you energy. It also has nutrients that might be good for sex health. When mixed with cloves, it could improve your sexual stamina. But there's not much scientific proof for this. It's mostly based on what people say works for them.

Clove and Ginger

There are various benefits of ginger sexually for men, When mixed with cloves, it might increase blood flow even more. This could lead to better erections and more sensitivity. Both spices are said to warm up the body, which some think helps with sex drive. But again, we need more research to be sure.

Cloves and Milk

Drinking milk with cloves is an old home remedy. Some say it boosts strength and stamina. The idea is that milk gives you protein and energy. The cloves might help with blood flow. Together, they could help you last longer in bed. But this is mostly based on tradition, not science.

Cloves and Garlic

Garlic is known for helping blood flow. When combined with cloves, it might boost this effect. Better blood flow could mean better erections and more sensitivity. Some also say this mix helps clean out toxins from the body.

This could lead to better overall health, including sexual health. But like the other mixes, we need more studies to know for sure.

Other Health Benefits of Cloves

Health Benefits of Cloves Health Benefits of Cloves

Antioxidant Benefits

Cloves have lots of antioxidants. These are substances that fight damage in your body. They help protect your cells from harm. This could lead to better overall health. Some studies show cloves have more antioxidants than many other spices.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Cloves might also help reduce swelling in the body. This is called inflammation. Too much inflammation can lead to many health problems. By fighting inflammation, cloves could help prevent some diseases. This includes problems that might affect your sex life.

Regulate blood sugar

Cloves may have potential benefits for blood sugar control. Some studies suggest that clove extract could improve insulin sensitivity, helping the body regulate blood sugar levels more effectively. This could be particularly beneficial for individuals with prediabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes.

A small study found that participants who took 250 mg of clove extract daily for 30 days experienced a reduction in blood sugar levels after eating compared to baseline. This suggests that clove extract may help improve glucose tolerance.

Supporting liver health

The liver is a key organ in your body. It helps clean out toxins. Some studies suggest cloves might help keep your liver healthy. A healthy liver means a healthier body overall. This could indirectly benefit your sex life by keeping you in better shape.

Potential Side Effects of Cloves

While cloves can be good for you, too much can cause problems. Some people might get a rash or itchy skin from cloves. If you use too much clove oil, it could irritate your mouth or gums.

Cloves might also thin your blood. This means they could make you bleed more easily. If you're taking blood-thinning medicine, you should talk to a doctor before using a lot of cloves.

In some cases, cloves might lower blood sugar too much. This could be dangerous for people with diabetes. Again, it's best to check with a doctor if you have any health concerns.

Breathing in clove oil can sometimes cause breathing problems. It's best not to inhale it directly. Also, pregnant women should be careful with cloves. Large amounts might not be safe during pregnancy.


Cloves have been used for centuries in cooking and medicine. Now, some people are turning to them for help in the bedroom. There's some evidence that cloves might boost sex drive and performance.

However, most of the studies have been done on animals, not people. We need more research to know for sure how cloves affect human sexuality. It's also important to remember that what works for one person might not work for another.

If you're thinking about using cloves for sex health, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor first. They can help you understand the potential benefits and risks. They can also check if cloves might interact with any medicines you're taking.

In the end, cloves is a safe spice for most people when used in normal amounts. They might give your sex life a boost, but they're not a magic fix. A healthy lifestyle, good communication with your partner, and proper medical care are still the best ways to improve your sex life.

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How many cloves should I eat for better sex?

There's no set amount of cloves proven to help with sex. Most studies used clove extracts, not whole cloves. It's best to start with small amounts, like a pinch in your food, and see how your body reacts.

Can cloves cure erectile dysfunction?

Cloves aren't a cure for erectile dysfunction. They might help with blood flow, which could improve erections. But if you have ED, it's important to see a doctor. There could be underlying health issues that need treatment.

Are cloves safe to use every day?

For most people, using small amounts of cloves in food is safe. But using large amounts every day, especially clove oil, could cause side effects. It's best to talk to a doctor if you want to use cloves regularly for health reasons.

How long does it take for cloves to work for sex?

There's no clear answer to this. If cloves do help with sex, it's likely a gradual effect from regular use. Don't expect immediate results like you'd get from medication.

Can I use clove oil instead of whole cloves?

Clove oil is very strong and can cause irritation if not used carefully. It's generally safer to use whole cloves in food. If you want to try clove oil, talk to a doctor first about how to use it safely.

Are there any foods I shouldn't eat with cloves?

Cloves are generally safe with most foods. But if you're taking blood thinners or diabetes medication, you should be careful. Cloves might interact with these medicines. Always check with your doctor if you're not sure.


  1. Cortés-Rojas DF, de Souza CR, Oliveira WP. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum): a precious spice. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014 Feb;4(2):90-6. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(14)60215-X. PMID: 25182278; PMCID: PMC3819475.
  2. Tajuddin, Ahmad S, Latif A, Qasmi IA. Effect of 50% ethanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry. (clove) on sexual behaviour of normal male rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2004 Nov 5;4:17. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-4-17. PMID: 15530165; PMCID: PMC534794.
  3. The beneficial effect of clove essential oil and its major component, eugenol, on erectile function in diabetic rats
  4. Cortés-Rojas DF, de Souza CR, Oliveira WP. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum): a precious spice. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2014 Feb;4(2):90-6. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(14)60215-X. PMID: 25182278; PMCID: PMC3819475.
  5. Mohan R, Jose S, Mulakkal J, Karpinsky-Semper D, Swick AG, Krishnakumar IM. Water-soluble polyphenol-rich clove extract lowers pre- and post-prandial blood glucose levels in healthy and prediabetic volunteers: an open label pilot study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 May 7;19(1):99. doi: 10.1186/s12906-019-2507-7. PMID: 31064377; PMCID: PMC6503551.